Certificaat van CGM

Hier vindt u uitleg over een VSL certificaat uitgegeven voor een gekalibreerd gasmengsel.

Certificate of Calibration

Number C2345701.01
Page 1 of 2


A cylinder with number 123456.
The cylinder contains a calibrated gas mixture (CGM) of sulfur dioxide in nitrogen.
The cylinder pressure after calibration is 14.5 MPa. Cylinder outlet conforms to UNI
5 specifications.

Dit gedeelte van het certificaat bevat een beschrijving van de cilinder en de inhoud van de cilinder. Het cilindernummer is identiek aan het nummer dat in de cilinder geslagen is, dit is de enige geldige connectie tussen het certificaat en het referentie gasmengsel. De inhoud van de cilinder staat genoemd samen met de gasdruk. Ten slotte beschrijft dit gedeelte het type kraan van de cilinder.

Calibration method

Composition determined in accordance with ISO 6143:2001 (Gas analysis – Comparison methods for determining and checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures) using Non Dispersive InfraRed spectroscopy.

Deze sectie beschrijft de analytische methode(n) die zijn gebruikt voor de kalibratie van het gasmengsel.

Date of calibration

12 September 2023 until 14 September 2023.

Hier is de datum of periode waarop de kalibratie is uitgevoerd benoemd.


Component Amount fraction
sulfur dioxide 84.8 × 10-6  0.7 × 10-6

The reported uncertainty of measurement is based on the standard uncertainty
multiplied by a coverage factor k = 2, which for a normal distribution corresponds
to a coverage probability of approximately 95 %. The standard uncertainty has
been determined in accordance with the GUM ‘Evaluation of measurement data –
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’.

De molfractie van elke component samen met de bijbehorende onzekerheid is hier (of op een volgende pagina) vermeld. Alle factoren die bijdragen aan de onzekerheid zijn samengevoegd in de standaardonzekerheid in overeenstemming met GUM ‘Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’. De opgegeven meetonzekerheid is een geëxpandeerde onzekerheid.


The results of the calibration services are traceable to primary and/or (inter)nationally accepted measurement standards realised by VSL.

De resultaten benoemd op dit certificaat zijn herleidbaar naar VSL’s Primaire Standaarden. Dit houdt in dat het resultaat gerelateerd is (herleidbaar) aan onze referentie standaarden. Meer informatie kan gevonden worden op de laatste pagina van het certificaat.

Delft, 27 September 2023

On behalf of VSL,
The Certificate Committee

Alle certificaten bevatten een elektronische handtekening om de authenticiteit van het certificaat te garanderen. Deze handtekening fungeert als elektronische zegel die het maken van aanpassingen voorkomt. Elke wijziging verbreekt het digitale zegel en wordt in het document weergegeven. Meer informatie over deze elektronische handtekening kan hier gevonden worden.

Certificate of Calibration

Number C2345701.01
Page 2 of 2

De laatste pagina bevat informatie over de accreditatie van VSL.

The reported results are consistent with the national designation of VSL, its international acceptance under the CIPM MRA and international accreditation (ILAC/RvA) as mentioned on this page. If identified, only the noted designation or accreditation is valid.

[1] The reported content in this certificate is traceable to the National (Primary) Standards of The Netherlands, which realize units of measurement according to the International System of Units (SI). Measurement traceability is realized according to ILAC policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement results (ILAC-P10:07/2020) and Acceptable Traceability (RvA-T018-NL/UK, article 3.1).

Van Swinden Laboratorium (VSL) is designated by law as the National Metrology Institute (NMI) of the Netherlands. As such, it provides direct traceability of measurement results to internationally accepted measurement standards. VSL is a signatory member of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM). The existence of mutual confidence in product specifications and product control is of fundamental importance in order to fulfill international, harmonized legislation on trade, quality, health, safety, and the environment. In this respect, standardized and equivalent measurement units and traceability to internationally accepted standards are essential. More information can be found at https://www.vsl.nl/ .

[2] The reported content in this certificate is consistent with the Calibration and Measurement Capability represented in the Key Comparison Database (KCDB) as part of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM).

This certificate is consistent with the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix C of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA) drawn up by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the CIPM MRA, all participating institutes recognize the validity of each other’s calibration and measurement certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurement uncertainties specified in the KCDB (for details https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/). The “CIPM MRA Logo” and this statement attest only to the measurement(s) applied for determining the certified values on the certificate.

[3] The reported content in this certificate is consistent with the RvA scope of accreditation of VSL with identification P002 for producing reference materials against the requirements as laid down in
ISO 17034:2016 and the relevant requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017.