Efficiency for the power grid

Power transformer losses account for a significant amount of the total cost of ownership. Because these losses have an environmental impact, the European Union has issued a regulation on losses in power transformers as part of the Ecodesign Directive’s sustainable energy policies. VSL has created unique calibration facilities with high accuracies for Transformer loss measurement systems.

Transformer loss measurement

Given the enormous quantities of energy transported by electricity grids, grid losses contribute significantly to our society’s overall energy losses. These losses must be generated by power plants, which have an environmental impact due to their CO2 emissions. As part of their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of energy-related products, the European Union has specified requirements for losses in small, medium, and large power transformers.

On-site Transformer Load loss calibrations

VSL has developed on-site calibration facilities for commercial Transformer Load Measurement (TLM) systems. The voltage and current ranges of the VSL reference systems range from 100 V to 100 kV and from 1 A to 2000 A, both at 50 Hz and 60 Hz, with uncertainties down to 10 parts in 106 in magnitude and 0.5 mo in phase, to cover the full capabilities of commercial TLM systems.

Would you like to know more?

Our experts are happy to help.

Michael van Schaik
Senior Account Manager

How VSL can help

VSL offers services and concultancy for the energy market. VSL has created a compact and portable set of instruments to bring traceable calibrations to high-voltage laboratories that perform Transformer Load Loss measurements. VSL has created a compact and portable set of instruments to bring traceable calibrations to high-voltage laboratories that perform Transformer Load Loss measurements.