Measurement, AI and data science

Smart use of data and AI automates and improves measurement processes, resulting in faster and more accurate measurements.


AI developments in metrology
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and metrology (the science of measurement) are two fields that are increasingly intersecting. Companies and businesses are putting a lot of effort into exploring the potential of AI. Rapid developments in the field raise all sorts of questions in relation to metrology:
How can AI be validated? What are the uncertainties? What will the complex algorithm mean for my accreditation? And what else should I look out for? AI is also subject to increasing supervision, including in the form of new European regulations.

AI applications can significantly improve the accuracy, efficiency and reliability of measurement results. For example, it can automate the calibration of measuring instruments, increase the sensitivity of sensors and make measurement results even more precise. In addition, AI makes rapid analyses of large amounts of measurement data by identifying patterns and trends that are otherwise difficult to detect. It can also be used to develop new measurement methods that are more efficient and less expensive than existing ones. Consider, for example, remote or microscopic measurements.

Would you like to know more?

Our experts are happy to help.

Michael van Schaik
Senior Account Manager

The potential of Data Science & Modelling

In addition to researching and validating AI capabilities, VSL has expertise in Data Science & Modelling (DSM). Data Science involves analysing data to discover connections and patterns. Modelling is the practice of mathematically modelling measurements and developing simulations to obtain better software representations of machines and determine measurement uncertainties more rapidly and accurately.

How VSL can help

At VSL, we assist and advise customers on validating AI solutions, algorithms and measurement systems. We have a great deal of experience with calculating measurement uncertainties, performing simulations and using statistical methods to analyse vast quantities of measurement data. We also provide regular feedback on reports, statements or other measurement results. VSL’s validation reports enable software and other manufacturers to demonstrate that their product has been independently validated and is suitable for ISO/IEC 17025 accredited measurement laboratories.