VSL and time and frequency
VSL is an expert in performing highly accurate and traceable measurements. We provide various time and frequency measurement services to clients including manufacturers and suppliers of frequency and time measuring instruments, research institutes, the Ministry of Defence, banks, telecom and Internet providers. We are also working in several research projects at European level, including one that is exploring whether the existing fibre optics network can be used to distribute very precise and stable signals.
VSL uses four atomic clocks to realise the Dutch national time standard. This standard is part of a global network that is used to collectively define the international time scale (or Coordinated Universal Time, (UTC)) and the duration of one second. This is done with a minimum uncertainty of 1 ns. VSL uses frequency dividers and multipliers, which create an extended frequency range. To compare time over long distances, VSL developed the Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer method (TWSTFT), which is applied internationally.