Cursus Title

  • Delft
  • 1 day
  • Nederlands Dutch
  • €1,250.00


Temperature is probably the most frequently measured quantity. However, measuring temperature is not as straightforward as it seems. It is therefore important to consider the pitfalls that can arise when measuring temperature. To address this, VSL offers a 1-day introductory course that combines theory with a strong emphasis on practical application.


A lack of knowledge about temperature and temperature measurement can lead to numerous errors that may directly impact production results, costs, quality, or safety.

During the course, the challenges associated with different types of thermometers are demonstrated and discussed. This provides greater knowledge and understanding of temperature measurement.

Intended Audience

The course is designed for anyone working in maintenance, engineering, and/or (calibration) laboratories where temperature measurement is a recurring activity.

Terms of payment

Upon registration.

Training content

Participants will receive two short introductions to the operating principles of the most common types of thermocouples and Pt100 elements. To reinforce this knowledge, participants will carry out several experiments in the laboratory.

The course also covers the applications and implementation possibilities of various thermocouples and Pt100 elements in detail. This ensures participants gain a better understanding of which type of temperature sensor and design is most suitable for their measurement processes.

The calibration of temperature sensors is addressed through a brief introduction to the underlying principles. Participants will then calibrate their own thermometers under supervision.

Estimated number of participants

A minimum number of participants of 5 applies to this course.

Afbeelding expert


Our experts are at your service.

Michel Brakel

Training calendar

  • Introductie Temperatuur & Temperatuurmeting
  • Tuesday 1 April 2025
  • 09:00 - 16:30
  • 3 / 10 participants
    a minimum of 5 participants
  • Sign up
  • Introductie Temperatuur & Temperatuurmeting
  • Wednesday 1 October 2025
  • 09:00 - 16:30
  • 0 / 10 participants
    a minimum of 5 participants
  • Sign up