Certificate of PRM 2

Here you will find an explanation about a VSL certificate issued for primary reference materials.


Number C2345601.02
Page 1 of 4

Reference material of nitrogen dioxide in nitrogen

The title contains the mixture type (reference material), the components and the matrix gas.


Primary reference gas mixture (PRM), cylinder number D123456.
The cylinder contains a mixture of nitrogen dioxide in nitrogen.
The PRM is contained in a passivated aluminium cylinder. The cylinder has a water
volume of 5 L and is pressurized to 12.5 MPa.
Cylinder outlet conforms to DIN 1 specifications.

This section contains a description of the cylinder and the provided mixture. For primary reference gas mixtures, the result is the gravimetrically determined value, while for certified reference gas mixtures, the result is the analytically determined value. The cylinder number is identical to the number that is stamped into the wall of the cylinder, and this is the only connection between the certificate and the gas cylinder. The contents of the cylinder are mentioned, followed by the type of cylinder together with the volume and the gas pressure. Finally, the valve outlet type of the cylinder is specified.


Gravimetric preparation in accordance with ISO 6142-1:2015. For further information, see “Commutability” and “Additional information”

Our primary reference gas mixtures are prepared gravimetrically in accordance with ISO 6142-1:2015. With this preparation method, we can offer mixtures with traceable values for the amount fraction of the requested component(s) together with their guaranteed stability and uncertainty. The method used for the verification of the mixture against VSL’s primary standards is also specified.

For certified reference gas mixtures, the method(s) used to attribute the result of the composition is mentioned.


The results are presented on page 2.
The reported uncertainty of measurement is based on the standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k = 2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95 %. The standard uncertainty has been determined in accordance with the GUM ‘Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’

The amount fraction of each component with its uncertainty is listed here or on a separate page. The section below gives a description of the stated measurement uncertainty. All contributing factors to the uncertainty, such as the purity of the raw materials, the weighing process and verification of the prepared mixture are combined into the standard uncertainty in accordance with GUM ‘Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’. The measurement uncertainty is provided as an expanded uncertainty.


The results on this certificate are traceable to VSL Primary Standards.

The results on this certificate are traceable to VSL Primary Standards. This means that the result is related (traceable) to VSL’s reference standards. More information is given on the final page. As stated in ISO 6142-1:2015, the metrological traceability of Class I calibration gas mixtures arises from correct determination of the masses added, conversion of the masses to the amounts of substance (taking into account the purity) and verification against independent measurement standards.

Safety information

The cylinder should be handled with care and by experienced personnel in a laboratory environment suitably equipped for the safe handling of gaseous materials.

The cylinder is a pressure container containing the requested gas at high pressure and should therefore be used with care. Besides, the filling may be a hazardous material.

Instructions for use

The gas mixture can be used to validate and/or calibrate analytical methods and equipment. As a guideline, the NOx value can be used as representative value for the calibration of NO2 using a non-specific NOx detector such as a chemiluminescence detector with a Molybdenum convertor. The specified NO2 value is representative with the use of a detector that discriminates between the different NOx species, such as e.g. spectroscopic measurement techniques. Do not use the cylinder in case the cylinder pressure is below 1 MPa. Further instructions regarding the handling of calibration gases can be found in ISO 16664:2017

This section contains specific information on the intended use of the cylinder.

Expiry date

This certificate is valid until 12 September 2024. After this date, the results stated
are no longer guaranteed to be valid.

The expiry date is the date until when VSL can guarantee the result of the measurement. After this date, the result is no longer guaranteed. When the certificate is expired, contact our Sales department for advice on how to treat the gas mixture.

Delft, 24 September 2023

On behalf of VSL,
The Certificate Committee

All certificates contain an electronic signature to ensure authenticity. The signature is an electronic seal on the document that prohibits making alterations. Any alteration breaks this seal and is shown in the document. More information about the electronic signature can be found here.


Number C2345601.02
Page 2 of 4

Reference material of nitrogen dioxide in nitrogen

Cylinder Result


Component Amount fraction
NOx *
52.7 × 10-6
52.1 x 10-6
0.6 × 10-6
0.6 × 10-6


* Mixtures containing NO2 are known to contain an amount of N2O4, due to the equilibrium of the dimerization reaction, which is a function of the amount fraction NO2, pressure and temperature. Also, traces of HNO3 may occur as an
impurity. The reported NOx amount fraction is based on the gravimetric results of the mixture preparation.

Additional information

The mixture is known to contain the following amount fractions:

O2 1000 × 10-6
HNO3 0.5 × 10-6
N2O4 0.04 × 10-6

N2O4 is calculated @ 101.325 kPa and 293.15 K; Ref: Hurtmans, D., Herman, M., & Vander Auwera, J. (1993). Integrated band intensities in N2O4 in the infrared range. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 50(6), 595-602.

For NO2 mixtures, an NOx value can be found in the results table. NO2 undergoes a dimerization reaction with N2O4, which is in equilibrium. Therefore, NO2 mixtures always contain a small fraction of N2O4. HNO3 is a second impurity of which trace amounts are found in NO2 mixtures. The reported NOx result consists of the results of these three components. Furthermore, for NO2 mixtures in nitrogen, approximately 1000 µmol mol-1 of oxygen is added in excess during preparation