VSL Ozone Standard Passes International Comparison, Reaffirming Accuracy and Reliability


The VSL primary ozone standard has once more passed the key comparison in which it was compared with the international reference standard maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). This marks the fourth successful comparison since the start of the ongoing BIPM.QM-K1 key comparison in 2007 andfurther solidifying VSL’s position as a leader in accurate and reliable ozone measurements.

The comparison was conducted in April 2024 and involved the precise measurement of ozone amount fractions across a spectrum spanning from 0 to 500 nmol/mol. The results indicate a consistent degree of equivalence between the VSL and BIPM standards, with any observed deviations falling comfortably within the established uncertainty limits.

The BIPM.QM-K1 key comparison, initiated in 2007, plays a pivotal role in evaluating the degree of equivalence among ozone photometers utilised as national standards or primary standards within global networks dedicated to ambient ozone monitoring. By consistently participating in this comparison, VSL actively contributes to the advancement of ozone measurement accuracy on an international scale.

The results confirm VSL’s metrological expertise, but also highlights its dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and supporting environmental monitoring efforts worldwide. As ozone measurements are crucial for understanding and addressing air quality concerns, VSL’s consistent accuracy and performance in this comparison reinforces the reliability of data collected using its primary ozone standard.